Monday 12 March 2012

NEW GEO Grang Grang

Every lens purchase comes with free transparent lens case    

Manufacturer : GEO medical Korea
Lens usage : up to 1 year
Recommended usage : 3 - 4 months  

All power 0 / 0

Grang Grang
B.C : 8.6 mm
Diameter : 14.2 mm
Water content : 38%
available :

- Grang Grang Brown HC - 244 - 4 pairs
- Grang Grang Choco HC - 246 - 1 pair

Price : $26.9 / pair

Big Grang Grang
B.C : 8.7 mm
Diameter : 15 mm
Water content : 38%
available :
- Big Grang Grang Brown WHC - 244 - 4 pairs
- Big Grang Grang Choco WHC - 246 - 5 pairs

Price : $27.9 / pair

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